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Logo Ambrozio's Institute
Logo Ambrozio's Institute

International Certification for Personal Trainer

International Certification for Personal Trainer

Transform your career and expand your opportunities in the global market with the world's number 1 certification for personal trainers.

Transform your career and expand your opportunities in the global market with the world's number 1 certification for personal trainers.

Become a Certified Personal Trainer from the most trusted fitness training source in the world.

Refined knowledge

World-class fitness experts

Scientifically proven

Content reviewed by peers from the brightest minds in the industry

At your own pace

Next-generation digital learning platform designed to meet various learning styles.

Master the market

Gain the knowledge and skills to master the art of personal training and positively impact your clients' lives.

Start your new international career as the industry-leading Personal Trainer certification.

Industry leaders of over 1.5 million certified fitness professionals

Join a global community of over 1.5 million certified personal trainers from NASM, present on every continent. By becoming part of this group, you not only acquire a certification recognized worldwide but also connect to a network of professionals who are shaping the future of fitness.

Start your international career in 4 weeks, at your own pace

Turn your passion into a successful career with a flexible online program that adapts to your lifestyle. Study wherever and whenever you want, and in just 4 weeks, you'll be ready to start your new professional journey.

Evaluation according to your preference

Tenha a opção para obter sua certificação através do Exame NASM Certified Personal Trainer em inglês ou em português.

Domine estratégias de treinamento com o Modelo OPT™ da NASM™

Desenvolva uma expertise sólida em estratégias de treinamento modernas e fundamentadas em evidências com o renomado modelo Optimum Performance Training® (OPT™) da NASM. Aprofunde-se nas metodologias de treinamento que moldam o futuro do fitness e destaque-se como um especialista em performance com a certificação NASM e o OPT™.

Academy of

Join the global elite in physical training and sports medicine with the powerful Optimum Performance Training™ (OPT™) methodology from the National Academy of Sports Medicine and stand out as a highly sought-after professional.

International Certification Curriculum


Section 1: Professional Development and Responsibility

Section 2: Customer Relations and Behavioral Coaching

Section 3: Basic and Applied Sciences and Nutrition

Section 4: Evaluation

Section 5: Exercise Technique and Training Instructions

Section 6: Program Design

Final exam

International Certification Curriculum


Section 1: Professional Development and Responsibility

Section 2: Customer Relations and Behavioral Coaching

Section 3: Basic and Applied Sciences and Nutrition

Section 4: Evaluation

Section 5: Exercise Technique and Training Instructions

Section 6: Program Design

Final exam

International Certification Curriculum


Section 1: Professional Development and Responsibility

Section 2: Customer Relations and Behavioral Coaching

Section 3: Basic and Applied Sciences and Nutrition

Section 4: Evaluation

Section 5: Exercise Technique and Training Instructions

Section 6: Program Design

Final exam

Está pronto para elevar sua carreira fitness?

Junte-se aos milhares de personal trainers do mundo e seja reconhecido pela maior metodologia esportiva do mundo.